import numpy as np import time # def fill_knapsack(weights, values, maxweight, seed): n = weights.size # random solution rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) perm = rnd.permutation(n) # find how many we can fit in the knapsack weights = weights[perm] sum_weights = np.cumsum(weights) # first index that is False p = np.argmin(sum_weights < maxweight) # which items are included included = perm[:p] # compute total value of what we included score = values[included].sum() return score, included # number of items n = 1000 # allowed knapsack weight maxweight = n / 4.0 # number of random samples ntry = 10000 # make reproducible np.random.seed(0) weights = np.random.rand(n) values = np.random.rand(n) # perform experiments t0 = time.time() tries = [fill_knapsack(weights, values, maxweight, seed) for seed in range(ntry)] t1 = time.time() best_score, best_combination = max(tries) print "n=%d maxweight=%g ntry=%d best_score=%g (%d items, weight %g) time %.3f s" % ( n, maxweight, ntry, best_score, best_combination.size, weights[best_combination].sum(), t1 - t0) if False: # plot at which rank the scores arrive scores = [score for score, _ in tries] best_score = np.maximum.accumulate(scores) from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.plot(best_score)