Matthijs Douze's homepage (SED)

Matthijs Douze's homepage (SED) En français

I am a research engineer, member of the SED team (that provides technical expertise to research groups). I work half-time the LEAR team and on the Kinovis platform.


Various tutorials and presentations:


My LEAR homepage is here
phone (work): +33 4 76 61 52 82
office: H114 (one of the rooms most remote from the main entrance, left wing, ground floor).


I participate in the set-up of the Kinovis platform, which starts in 2015. Before, I was maintaining the Grimage platform.

When working on this project I will be either: In office B117 or in the Kinovis studio (no room number).

For fun

Grenoble with Simcity 2000.

3D-printing a guitar.

Interactive 3D fractals.

E-mail: matthijs.douze at inria dot fr. (Other contact information depends on the group I am currently working in).


Publications: at Lear, older ones.